* I tried not to itch my eyeballs outta their sockets with my allergies.
Seasonal allergies are the pits.
{So glad I married a man that doesn’t mind the fact that when I itch the back of my throat with the back of my tongue…it sounds like a pig in heat. Because I’ve been doing it all night every night for the past week and a half.}
* Friday night Grant had a birthday party to go to so
Joe and I took the other two yay-hoos out to dinner
Joe and I took the other two yay-hoos out to dinner
at one of our favorite local joints.
Apple Dumplings has quite possibly the BEST mint chocolate chip ice-cream around.
{P.S. the only reason Joe’s not smiling is because he had a cavitiy filled that afternoon and half of his face was numb.}
* Saturday morning the boys went to a workshop at Home Depot and learned how to make bird feeders. A BIG thank you to our FUN friends who let them tag along!
* Saturday afternoon was spent doing laundry, cleaning and watching General Conference.
* Saturday night we met some of our FUN FRIENDS at the park and had a picnic. We were lucky enough to have my nieces and nephew over for a sleepover that night, too!
Running around at the park + a pajama dance party =
some very tuckered out kids.
* Sunday was spent watching more of General Conference.
{General Conference = a weekend that happens twice a year for us Mormon peeps, where we are able to watch our living prophet and his apostles speak to their congregation from Salt Lake City via the television and or internet. It is always uplifting, inspiring and more. So many great words of wisdom this weekend!}
* Took myself a fat nap and then we headed over to Joe’s parents house for
Sunday dinner.
Homemade lasagna, homeamade rolls and yummy salads.
Delish as always!!
I made this for dessert…
Strawberry Cake.
Who doesn’t LOVE strawberies this time of year?
Recipe to follow SOON!

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