* Friday morning we went to our weekly Summer Movies.
We bought tix through the school and once a week we go and see a movie {usually one we’ve already seen} for only a buck. We’ll do ANYTHING to get us outta the heat!
{Plus…when there’s popcorn and soda involved…you can always count us in!}
This week’s movie was The Lorax but London couldn’t resist the Minnions.
Can’t WAIT for that movie to come out!
* Magically my kids all went over to their friends’ houses afterwards to play and I was able to grocery shop all by my very ownself. Every once in awhile when the stars align like this – – I get SUPER excited because I actually have the time AND patience to whip out my coupons and
‘coupon shop’ a little.
Let me be VERY clear though: I am NOT one of those Crazy Couponers nor could I EVER be. Props to those who make it work though. I’m lucky just to REMEMBER the coupons in my purse, let alone price match and go to 5 bajillion different stores. No thanks.
* Date night HERE for some of our very favorite
Italian food around.
Yup, we pretty much licked our plates clean.
Dessert afterwards HERE.
Holy. Moly.
If you have NOT tried this place yet and you have one near you – – GO!
It’s piping hot donuts fresh from the fryer – – made HOWEVER you like!
{The OC donut is a MUST! I promise.}
I tried talking Joe into trying the Bacon Bomb but sadly, he wouldn’t budge.
* Hit up Target afterwards.
News Flash: The freaks come out on Friday night.
For real.
Never seen/overheard so many ‘odd’ people at Target EVER as I did that night.
{And I’m there A.LOT.}
* Driving home around 8:00 I was reminded that summer in AZ is officially here to stay, as it was still above 100 degrees EVEN with the sun down. Sigh……
My cute nephew babysat for us.
London didn’t wanna let him go.
* Saturday morning trip to the $ store.
Whenever I run here with the kids…I let them choose ONE item to purchase. Watching them make up their minds is SO cute to me. The boys debated long and hard over sunglasses, glow sticks or Big League bubblegum.
The glow sticks and bubblegum won.
* Saturday night we had some fun couples over to our house for a GAME NIGHT.
I made THIS dessert and I’m wishing there were leftovers…but grateful there’s not. {I’d eat it all!}
We busted out this new game….
{this version is new to us at least}
So fun.
You get to choose from the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, and 10s.
The NEXT game I’m going to purchase will be this one…
Has anyone played it?
Looks SO fun!
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
* Napity-Nap afterwards.
* Chicken fajitas for dinner and then one of our FAVORITE friends brought over some ROOTBEER floats for dessert!
On tap this week:
* Cubscout Day Camp for the boys
{It’s supposed to be 108 degrees. Yikes!}
* My new Visiting Teaching Handout
* Adding some fun Father’s Day loot to my Etsy shop!

Have you ever played Telestrations? That's the funniest game ever. We played it at youth conference and literally had kids waiting in line for a turn.
Have you ever played Telestrations? That's the funniest game ever. We played it at youth conference and literally had kids waiting in line for a turn.
Where is London's dress from in that first picture?? SO ADORABLE!!
It's from the store Crazy 8! They have such good sales there ALL the time. Thanks! ๐
You can get the app for the Heads Up game on your phone. Love that game. Also, your dessert looks delicious!
Oooh – – good to know! Thanks!
Oh wow.. that's hot.. it's like 80 here today. and I'm dying lol.. like crazy hot.
I want that catchphrase game!!
oh and coupons.. occasionally I will take one to the store and nearly always.. forget to hand it in lol
What I wouldn't give to have an 80 degree day here this summer! ๐
Day Camp in 108, wow. I remeber one time, it hit 100 for our day camp. The scouts were very unmotivated. No one was moving fast. When it was over, I turned on my AC ( who really uses it in Seattle) the kids all fell asleep. Here in Utah, I'm sure I'll be using it.
Oh yes you'll for sure be using it! ๐