* Friday morning I met 2 of my favorite lady friends for breakfast HERE.
This place is hands down one of my faves.
Plus – they serve their Diet Coke in EXTRA large cups so that’s always a bonus.
* I ran errands and of course had to stop by a Goodwill because it was in the proximity. My obsession is really getting out of hand.
* I watched these 2 cute kiddies for my friend on Friday afternoon…
Can you even stand their cuteness?!
* Friday night date night HERE with some fun friends from our ward. We walked out of the restaurant when we were done and it was POURING down rain.
A beautiful sight here in the dry desert!
* Saturday morning I attended our Stake Relief Society Refugee Service Project.
A lot of preparation had been put into this activity and I am SO amazed at how well it went. It truly was miraculous.
Did you know that…..80% of refugees that come to our country are women and children?
One of the donations we asked for was clothing.
{When refugees arrive to our country they literally only have the clothes on their back. That is it!}
As people entered, I greeted them and told them where to put their clothing. As I saw this sight…I got a little teary eyed!!!……
I LOVE that picture of the Savior in the background.
I truly felt that He was smiling down on our service efforts.
Isn’t this what life is all about anyways???
Helping those in need?
We made quilts, wreaths, assembled cleaning kits, backpacks with school supplies, tied quilts, wrote notes and sorted clothes.
And guess what?! We accomplished it ALL within 2 hours.
It was so awesome.
Our stake is filled with some of the finest women I know.
* Saturday night I kicked at home and did super fun stuff like laundry and cleaning.
Joe went with his brother and saw THIS movie….
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My husband is a sucker for good indie films and he said this one did not disappoint. Made me wish I’d have gone with him…instead of chosen to do the laundry…sigh.
{Seriously…what was I thinking?}
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
Fingers crossed for another big rainstorm tonight!
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Coming tomorrow….
My NEW August Visiting Teaching Handout{s}!!!!!
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Do your kiddos go to childcare?
Do you ever wish you could pick up your kids AND your dinner all at the same time?
My talented friend Stephanie has gotcha covered.
She’s starting up a brilliant business that you can read all about HERE.
So excited for her!

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