* Friday morning I got a MUCH needed pedicure.
And when I say MUCH NEEDED….boy, do I mean it!
I always feel so bad for the pedicure people
working on my feet.
For reals.
Next to a gyno and a dentist…this has to be the GROSSEST job EVER!
* I cranked out some new goodies for my Etsy shop!
These ceramic ornaments are near and dear to my heart.
* I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning out London’s closet.
Why on earth does my NINE year old daughter have WAY more cute clothes than me? Anyone else feel this way about their kids?
Also – does anyone else have to clean out their kids rooms when they’re at school so you can purge and majorly get rid of the junk? {My daughter is somewhat of a pack rat! She wants to save EVERYTHING.}
* We had our ward Trunk or Treat on Friday night.
I LOVE that kids these days have SO many opportunities to wear their costumes before Halloween. Makes paying the $$$ for them {somewhat} worth it, right? ๐
My cute niece came over to do her make-up and didn’t it turn out DARLING?!
* Saturday morning we attended the baptism of our sweet little family friend. Yes…I teared up.
Such a happy occasion.
* We dropped London off at a dance convention afterwards and grabbed a quick breakfast at McDs.
Why is their breakfast SO good….and their lunch and dinner SO nasty?!
{Fun Fact: my boys could seriously eat here EVERY day if I let them.}
* Chores Saturday afternoon and then we met up with some of our fam for wings at a {new to us} joint called ATL.
SUPER delish!
Also…can we take a minute to GASP at the fact that Grant is officially taller than my dad now? Granted, my dad is a tad on the shorter side ๐…but STILL! G is growing LIKE A WEED!
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
I had to wake up BRIGHT and early for a 6 am meeting.
I can’t even remember the last time I WILLINGLY woke up that early on Sunday.
{Side note: Waking up early has never been my thing.}
On Sundays I like to change it up and listen to Classical music. Why did I never appreciate this stuff when I had to learn how to play it on the piano as a kid? There is something so soothing about it…..and I realize now as I just typed that sentence that I am TOTALLY 40 years old!
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I’m already ready to tear down my orange and black and put up my Thanksgiving decor! Who’s with me? I’m hosting Halloween night at my house though….so I guess I should probably wait.

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