I have a rule that NO cooking is allowed on Fridays.
* Friday morning London and I stopped by Bosa Donuts.
It’s incredibly dangerous that they just opened one up EVEN CLOSER to our house now.
AND…it has a drive-thru.
Oh. My. Yum.
I cannot resist!
* We ran a few errands and then met Joe for a little lunch date at Apple Dumplings.
And you can’t go there and NOT get a mint chocolate chip sundae for dessert…
They chill their sundae glasses.
I think that’s what makes them so tasty.
* Friday night we took the kiddos to their school COSTUME BALL.
The music was loud, the place was crazy and the kiddos had an absolute BLAST!
Not to mention….Carson won SECOND PLACE in the COSTUME CONTEST.
Is that not the funniest costume you’ve ever seen?!?
He wears it SO well, huh?
* Saturday was spent watching LOTS of college football…
London doesn’t really ‘get into’ sports quite like the boys do so she finds other ways to amuse herself.
Her brothers are such good sports.
*Basketball game for Grant.
They lost this time….{cue Debbie Downer music}.
Still….SO fun to watch.
* Saturday night was the annual Trunk or Treat at our church building.
The kids were ecstatic all day long, anticipating this.
Joe even got in on the DRESS UP action…
Isn’t that mullet sexy?!
* Late Saturday night I headed over to our Stake Halloween Dance and helped with refreshments.
Stake teenage dances are some of the BEST people watching around.
Add on top of that…COSTUMES…and the people watching gets EVEN BETTER
{and more awkward}.
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
I handed THESE Halloween treats out to my girls.
My advisor taught the BEST lesson on Gratitude.
LOVED this particular quote:
“The grateful man sees so much in the world to be thankful for, and with him the good outweighs the evil. Love overpowers jealousy, and light drives darkness out of his life.”
– Thomas S. Monson
Makes me excited that we are getting ready to celebrate THANKSGIVING.
I LOVE this season!!!
* Sunday night we headed over to Joe’s parents house for family dinner.
We’re so lucky to have our families close by!
We ate shredded beef nachos and they were divine.
The kids played outside and London ended the evening by tackling Uncle Kent.
Only 3 more days until HALLOWEEN!
Just stocked up on my candy today. {It was going FAST at the store!}
On my list of to do’s this week:
Find outfits for our family pics.
{Siggghhhh…..the most dreaded day of the year. Haha!}

Our ward trunk or treat is Wednesday. We are combing with another ward- I am excited because a lot of my friends and their kids are in that ward ๐
I love the kids costumes. They are cute.
Kids grow up too fast…
soo fun!! love the costume!
Ok, so we are getting ours done next week, my girls love it, but ethan and Dayna.. jeesh, it's the dreaded, heart pounding, blood pumping, frustrating time of the year!!!!!
what colours are you going with?