* Friday, I felt like an absolute zombie.
This happens to me EVERY year on the day after Christmas it seems.
My boys had their friends over to play all of their new Xbox games with them…
….and I sat on my couch for most of the morning…dreading cleaning up the post-Christmas tornado that was my house.
* Friday night Joe put together Grant’s new basketball hoop.
Let’s just say….it took A LOT longer than expected.
And it was COLD outside.
Like….low 50s COLD!
* Saturday we slept in until 10:30.
{We = me + Joe. No clue what time my kiddies woke up. Mom of the year over here.}
* London had a birthday party at the park.
* I took Carson to the mall so he could use his Lego gift card that’s been burning a hole in his pocket since the second he opened it.
I LOATHE the mall on Saturdays.
No matter WHAT time of the year it is.
But ESPECIALLY during the holidays.
I almost broke out into hives I un-enjoyed it so much.
The things we do for our kids…..right?
* Dinner out on Saturday night with
the fam + parents + sis + nephews.
Seriously…why are Red Robin’s ‘Clucks and Fries’ like the greatest thing EVER made? They are hands down MY FAVE!
* Churchey-church on Sunday but I stayed home with Carson. He’s just gotten better from being sick and well…someone needed to take one for the team and stay home with him so it just so happened to be me. {Smile}
* Spaghetti and Meatballs for Sunday dinner.
My kids have informed me that they are officially SICK of pot roast on Sundays. How dare them?!
Lots of fun on the blog this week…
My JANUARY Visiting Teaching handout
I’ve been brainstorming and creating for the re-opening of my Etsy shop. Stay tuned….

that crash day is the 27th ( because the 26th is my birthday), I was grouchy and mainly because every single room in my house was trashed, so as I started to clean up, the Christmas décor all came down too, and now I am kind of missing it LOL!
I took a 3hrs nap today, that never happens, ever, I woke up and it was dark out, which is fine since it minus 22 today.. yes, minus!!! bleh!
I also attempted the mall with 3 kids in tow… we left quickly!
I can't wait for your visiting teaching handout!
minus 22??? I can't even imagine!! But yay for 3 hour naps! Those are the best!