* On Friday, London got to be her teacher’s assistant for the day.
This included: moving her desk right next to the teacher, wearing a special lanyard for all to see, reading the spelling words to the class for their test AND her favorite…her very own cup of Starbucks hot cocoa.
Her teacher is amazing.
When she fell asleep that night she said ‘I just don’t want this day to end!’. Too sweet.
* Donuts with one of my favorite friends on Friday morning.
Shouldn’t ALL weekends start out with donuts?!
* Friday night was BiNgO night at the kids’ school.
We LOVE this fun activity.
Carson thought he was a hotdog hanging out with his ‘Student Council’ peeps. Pay no attention to the fact that his shirt is on backwards. The front side was covered in red gatorade. Awesome.
This cute girl was my sidekick for the night.
Worth mentioning: If you leave your child in my care – – chances are I’ll give them whatever they want. Including a Coke at 7:00 at night. I can’t help myself.
* Saturday morning the adults in my family all went out to breakfast to celebrate my mom’s birthday.
Gosh, I love these guys.
So fun to be able to sit and chat and laugh…
and then laugh some more.
And how lucky are we that we all live within about 10 minutes of each other?! Super fun.
* Afterwards, I whipped up TEN pans of Chicken Cordon Bleu.
No big deal.
My friends and I have started a ‘Freezer Meal club’ {LoL} of sorts….and it has turned out to be FANTASTIC! I’ll be sharing ALL of the details of what this little group consists of later in the week!
* Haircuts for the boys afterwards.
After the hairdresser was done cutting Carson’s hair he proudly announced “Mom! This is my DREAM haircut!”
Easy to please and I like it!
* We grilled up cheeseburgers on Saturday night with our fun friend Judy and then topped the evening off with ice-cream cones at McDonalds.
* Sunday morning I whipped up some Breakfast Sausage and Egg biscuit muffins and they were a hit!
My cute niece gave us this recipe and I’ll be sharing it this week as well!
*Churchey-church minus London and I.
London woke up with a cold so she and I stayed home for some R&R.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Busy week ahead:
* Dance, Hip-Hop and Scouts for the kids.
* Parent teacher conferences {already!}
* A Paul Penzone for Sheriff open house that we are co-hosting with our friends.
And – – –
* Carson tries out for one of the lead roles for his school musical. FIngers crossed!

Love keeping up with the Coombs' and also the Lamoreaux's on your blog. Your are killing me with all you do. Love it and your good food ~ be looking for the recipes. Have a great day!
Thanks Claudine! If only I could make rolls as half as good as you! xoxo
Ooh I can't wait to hear About the meal club wahooo
Ooh I can't wait to hear About the meal club wahooo
You will LOVE it! xoxo