* Friday morning we lounged around in our jammies until we had to go pick up my car from the shop. Only Carson wanted to go with me which meant…
…he was less than thrilled that there was a Goodwill close by that I made him go with me to.
SOME DAY my kids will enjoy thrift shopping with me.
I just KNOW it!๐
* Date night Friday night.
My only requirement was that wherever we went…had to have a STRONG Diet Coke. {One of those days!}
We ate HERE and that dessert was as mouth watering as it looks. I’ve been dreaming of it ever since!
* Saturday morning I had to practice the dreaded organ for church so the boys tagged along with me and brought some friends to play hoops.
You guys!!!
Playing the organ is legit a beast!!!
It is OH SO DIFFERENT than playing the piano.
Lunch afterwards at my new favorite place…
If you like fried chicken {seriously… who doesn’t?} then this place is for YOU!
The honey butter rolls and side of gravy they serve with it is SO. DANG. GOOD.
{Did I mention it’s all REALLY low-fat?!๐}
* Saturday night we had our darling missionaries over with some friends for dinner.
Our friends brought over their slip and slide and Cubby and his brother pretty much took over.
I was reminded of just how nasty the whole ‘wet dog’ smell is.
Mud and grass were everywhere but – – who cares.
It’s been HOTTER than HOT outside and the kids needed a nice cool down.
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
London gave a talk in primary…
And then lost another tooth on Sunday night.
I just love that smile!!
* Leftovers on Sunday night.
I LOVE that my husband was the one to suggest it.
Messy kitchen + laziness = leftovers.
And man, were they good.
It was a WIN all around.

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