* Friday morning I met 2 of my favorite ladies for breakfast at a new spot. {Locals: they just opened up on Lindsay and Pecos!}
I’ve been dreaming of it ever since!
Soooo yummy.
We all 3 got the chorizo biscuits and gravy and they were to die for! Their potatoes were cooked to perfection and everything there is homemade. My kind of place!
* Errands afterwards which included a few more stops at different Goodwills. I really may have a new, crazy ob-sesh with that place.
* Friday night was our school’s annual Costume Ball.
It’s the kids’ VERY favorite event of the entire year!
I present to you…the Coombs Kids 2015 Costumes:
London won the BEST OVERALL COSTUME award and to say she was floating on cloud 9 is an understatement.
Night. Made.
* Saturday was spent going to Sams Club, working on projects and doing laundry.
* That evening we attened our annual Stake Rodeo.
We are SO blessed to be apart of such an awesome stake.
Dinner was provided as was horse rides, face paintings, roping, hatchet throwing, pig races, catching chickens and so on and so forth. The kids ATE IT UP!!!
* The rest of my evening was spent puting the finishing touches on Joe and I’s costumes.
Any guesses as to what THIS is going to be?!
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
Our 6 year olds were BOUNCING off the walls but gosh they’re so cute.
* Our dreaded family pictures were Sunday night.
I’m lucky to have such a talented sister who takes these every year for us.
She works her magic and has LOTS of patience with our crew. {My husband and boys get tired of smiling after about 2 minutes.}
* Breakfast for dinner Sunday night.
{My all time FAVE!}
Pancakes, hasbrowns and sausage.
I could seriously eat BRINNER EVERY night.
Can you believe THIS WEEK IS HALLOWEEN?!
We’ve got lots of FUN on tap – –
* Tomorrow night is our FAMILY HALLOWEEN PARTY!!!
Can’t wait to share all the details!

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