* Friday morning I woke up exhuasted.
I had to run one errand and that was to Target.
Since I was too lazy to go to the grocery store to get stuff for breakfast, I drove through Panera and bought my first pumpkin muffin top of the season.
Just as good as I remember!
I feel like Target is getting a little TOO fancy.
Does anyone else agree?
And it’s like…the fancier they get, the more they raise their prices on clothes and shoes. I’m not so sure how I feel about this.
I had to laugh at these false eyelashes in the $ bins because they actually look like SO MANY EYELASHES that normal people wear TODAY! ๐๐๐
{The eyelash game has gotten a ‘lil outta control. Who’s with me?}
* I spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around on the couch with Cubby. What would I do without him?
* Friday night date night at Bobby-Q’s.
Their brisket was to die for!
The real winner of the evening was their donuts that they serve you at the end of dinner.
* Saturday morning we attended the funeral of a dear friend of ours who Joe taught in Sunday School at church.
While it was very sad, it gives us great hope to know that we’ll see him again some day.
The closing song was one of my favorites.
I couldn’t finish the last verse without crying.
* We picked up the kids afterwards and headed to
Panda Express for lunch.
Why are my boys incapable of posing decently when I ask them to for a picture? ๐
While at lunch, we discovered that Joe had a ‘grandpa’ eyebrow hair that was curling down and almost into his eye.
I think it was even gray!!!!
Can you see it?
We laughed SO hard.
Thankfully….London yanked it out.
* We grocery shopped afterwards…
This sight at the store makes me OH SO happy!
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
It was my FAVORITE Sunday of the year!
Our primary program!!
London rocked it with her speaking part.
It makes me a little sad to know that she only has one more year of this and then she’ll be 12 and in Young Womens!!!
Also – how am I just now discovering THIS sweet primary song?
It’s my new favorite.
And yes…yes it did make me cry.
* We grilled steaks for dinner, took a walk around the neighborhood and finished the evening off with a little AFV.

I love that primary song!!!!!
All my kids have now graduated from Primary, it feels strange!!
Ooh that brisket and Mac n cheese looks deelish!
Afternoon snuggles with my pup are the best!