* Friday morning we got to babysit this cute little muffin…
…and painting her tiny toenails was an absolute must!
London was convinced that SHE infact was the babysitter and was loving EVERY minute of it!
{Fun Fact: London is OBSESSED with babies.}
* Friday night we went and visited our newest {and tiny-est} nephew. Sadly, I forgot to take a picture of the cute little sweet potato. Welcome to the world Hutchens!
* Dinner HERE afterwards.
The kiddos thought this place was totally legit too, with a live mariachi band and all.
* Saturday was a work around the house type of day.
Laundry, dusting, dishes, etc.
Felt nice to be able to stay home for once
{and not have to go outside in the HEAT!}
* Date night HERE with some of our very favorite peeps
Saturday night. I branched out and tried their beef tips.
YuM-o they were good!
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
One of my very favorite songs EVER was sung.
To hear my very favorite rendition of this song click HERE.
{Fun Fact: I cry EVERY time I hear it. SO pretty.}
* We mixed things up for dinner this week and had
Crockpot PORK CHOPS instead of our usual Pot Roast.
I made THIS recipe and it was DEE-LISH.
My fam snarfed it down which is always a good sign.
*Finished up my July Visiting Teaching handout which I am SUPER excited to share with you TOMORROW.
Happy Sunday!

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