* Friday morning I picked up the MOST darling Valentine wreath that now holds such a special place in my heart.
Remember when I originally posted about this wreath last week?
Well, the KINDEST blog reader ever went online…found one for me in Chandler….PAID for it…and messaged me that it was ready for pick up.
I died!
Isn’t that the most kind thing EVER?!?
* Afterwards I swung by Krispy Kreme to pick up some afterschool treats for the kids.
Fun Fact: I don’t really like Krispy Kreme.
Like…at all.
{Shocking…I know because I LOVE donuts!}
Carson however LOVES Krispy Kreme so I figured I’d be nice and pick some up. Plus…I kept seeing an advertisement for their new chocolate glazed donuts so what the hey…I gave em a whirl.
VERY disappointed.
So rich I couldn’t even finish it.
* I worked the rest of the day back at home on my computer and in my craft room…
{Try to ignore my skeevy feet that are way overdue for a pedicure.}
I’ve been creating OODLES of new printables and I am SO excited to share them all with you.
Make sure to check back every day this week!!!
* Date night Friday night at Local Eats.
Their pretzels with jalapeno cheese dip are AH-mazing.
As are their carne asada tacos which I ordered for the second week in a row.
* Afterwards Joe and I hunkered down on the couch and watched the 20/20 on Jim and Tammy Faye BakKer.
{Did you know he’s back on TV selling stuff?}
* Most of the day Saturday was spent prepping for a dinner at the Stake Center that I was in charge of.
We were fortunate to have a General Authority in town and I was privledged to get to feed him as well as our Stake Presidency. I really love my calling.
My darling friend made the CUTEST desserts…
Homemade strawberry shortacakes in a jar!
Aren’t those fun??
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
I am LOVING this new 2 hour time frame + the new Come Follow Me curriculum.
Chocolate chip cookies + scripture study Sunday night.
Everyone was relieved that there was no school on Monday. We got to stay up late and lounge around and it was the perfect ending to our weekend.

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