* The boys got haircuts.
Don’t they look sharp?!
School starts tomorrow and so their haircuts were followed by picking out new shoes, purchasing a couple of last minute supplies….and lunch at Chick-fila.
* Friday night Joe and I tried a new joint for date night…
We both LOVED it!
Good chips and salsa. Good soda. And good food.
We’ll def be back for more.
Our evening was capped off with – – you guessed it – –
a new episode of Dateline.
{I know, I know…we’re SOOO exciting.}
*Saturday morning donuts with the kiddos.
Is there really any other better way to start your Saturday?
* The rest of the day, the kiddos played with friends while I prepared for our annual
Coombs Family Back to School Dinner
for that evening.
I cannot WAIT to share all of the details with you this week.
We presented our new family motto to the kids,
Joe gave them their Father’s blessings,
and we topped the night off with warm brownies.
It was SUCH a special night – –
it’s one I look forward to ALL year long.
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
* Dinner at my parents house afterwards.
My mom made her famous pot roast and it was bliss.
{For the record – – she makes the BEST pot roast EVER.}
Not having to cook myself on Sundays, is always a treat!
My sister brought her dog, Buckeye.
It really might be time for us to get London a dog.
She’s obsessed.
{I’m not ready.}
* We packed the kids’ backpacks and got them tucked into bed right at 8:00. To say that they are EXCITED for school to start, is an understatement.
So many FUN things to share with you this week:
My sister’s classroom Pinterest bulletin board
Our Back to School Dinner
The teachers Back to School luncheon I helped put on up at the elementary school
another GIVEAWAY!!!
Be excited.

My kids don't go back until September. The stores are already starting their back to school sales.
Dogs are a lot of work…