* I met one of my favorite ladies for breakfast HERE.
See that pile of hashbrowns?
Well, if you order the ‘Wolfpack’ you get a heaping pile of those hashbrowns with 2 eggs and bacon hidden right in the middle. It was delish. {And WAY too much food.} Oh… and their bacon?! YuM!!!
* Afterwards, I headed over to visit with a sweet friend of mine who moved out of our neighborhood not too long ago + had a brand new baby. So fun to see her again and catch up. {Wish I would’ve gotten a pic of her cute little baby!}
* Friday night, Joe and Grant headed to the ASU game…
{another WIN!}
….while my 2 dates and I headed out to dinner HERE.
This place has quickly become my new fave GO-TO restaurant. Their boneless wings are THE BOMB!
* Saturday morning was the boys’ very last basketball game of the season.
And guess what – – they didn’t win one single game all season long. But ya know what? They had FUN!
And Coach Joe was SO good to them!
He treated them all to ice-cream afterwards….
I sure do love that sweet husband of mine.
Oh…and side note AZ peeps – – –
1/2 price drinks ALL day at SONIC tomorrow!!!!
Woo-hoo – – GO CARDS!
* Saturday night Joe and I attended a SURPRISE 40th Birthday party for my cute friend Amy.
I believe in this photo she was specifically telling me NOT to post any pictures of her ‘on the blog’. Uh-oh.
* Our ward primary program was on Sunday.
I got ‘teary’ playing MANY of the songs on the piano today – – hearing the kids sing about the Savior.
Not only did we have our families there to support the kiddos – – but the kiddos school teacher’s came too!!!!
We sure do love them.
* Burgers and brownies for dinner and dessert Sunday night.
{And I don’t mean to brag but..my hubs really does grill up the BEST cheeseburgers ever.}
On tap for this week:
* Hosting a teachers luncheon up at the school.
{Fall theme + soups and pumpkin shaped bread bowls. Yum!}
* Filling Etsy orders.
* Prepping for DISNEYLAND!!!
Could not be more excited!

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