* Friday morning started out with a stomach bug for London.
This meant LOTS of time spent on the couch with her watching the ‘Dennis the Menace Christmas’ movie.
The boys and I ventured our that night for haircuts, shoppping, dinner at Red Robin and then we also attempted to ride my nephew’s hoverboard.
And by ‘attempted’ I mean…..I was absolutely horrible and almost peed my pants trying to do so and may have said a few expletives as I crashed and burned on my sister’s kitchen floor.
Those things are DANGEROUS!
* Saturday morning we attended the most special baptism for a dear family friend of ours. There was SO MUCH LOVE inside of the chapel that morning, my heart wanted to burst!
GRATEFUL to have been apart of it.
Lunch afterwards with some of the baptism attendees HERE.
* The kids were at a babysitters house for the rest of the day and I managed to conquer 99% of my wrapping for Christmas. I felt VERY accomplished. {And why do I love wrapping stuff SO so much? Given the option between a gift bag and a box to wrap – – – I always choose the box.}
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
I always love the Sunday before Christmas and the songs, talks and messages that go along with it.
This pic before Sacrament meeting was no small feat.
There may have been weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth 5 minutes beforehand at our house. And in our car.
This was one of those mornings where I was reminded of this funny gem my friend sent me earlier this week:
Who can relate?!
* Naps afterwards, spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and watching the AZ Cardinals WIN! after that.
On tap for this week:
* Grant turns 11!!!! {How is this even possible?}
* Last minute odds and ends Christmas shopping
* Grandma Marilyn’s Coombs family Christmas party
* Christmas!!!!!!

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