* Friday morning I did something I rarely have done since all 3 of my kids have been in school together.
I went back to sleep after dropping them off at school.
Of course the whole time I was thinking ‘I should get up’ but apparently my body thought otherwise because I got a good hour and a half little nap in.
I woke up refreshed and recharged and not wanting to do any of my chores at home so I went shopping…
There was a cute little new boutique in town that I dropped by…..
….although I had the MOST fun shopping around the Antique store that was located just in front of it.
I was in MILK GLASS heaven!
{If you follow me on Instagram – you know I have an obsesh!}
However…I do not like to PAY ‘antique’ prices for my milk glass so I dropped by a local Goodwill afterwards {I also have an obsesh with that place} and I scored…..
…..this cute vase for 99 cents!
Since I was in the area, I ate lunch {all by my very own self} at one of my very favorite Mexican joints – El Sol Cafe.
I normally don’t like ‘thick’ chips but you guys! these chips have my HEART!!!! As does their salsa. It’s a teeny tiny little joint but it is OH SO GOOD!!!!
* Friday night was our kiddos school SPRING FESTIVAL.
The basketball courts were lined up with food trucks…
….and the kids had fun playing outside with their friends.
We stayed as long as we could stand it before the wind blew us away…plus it was COLD! Like 69 degrees cold!
{I know, I know, we are wimps!}
* Saturday basketball game for Grant.
His team lost by just a few points so we drownd-ed {is that even a word?} out our sorrows afterwards with donuts.
Because donuts make things better ALWAYS and FOREVER. Right?!?
* Saturday night Joe had to stay home and work on taxes {BOOOO!} so London and I picked up my sister and went on a date to Oreganos.
One of my most favorite friends was working so it was extra fun! We pretty much snarfed down everything in sight and we were so full afterwards they almost had to roll us out.
* Churchey-church on Sunday was actually spent at my sweet friend’s Catholic church.
Her sweet daughter was receiving her First Holy Communion and we were so honored to be apart of it.
Afterwards we all headed back to her house for a super yummy luncheon….
The food from Oreganos was a HUGE hit as was the cute cupcake/cake my niece made.
We laughed our heads off together. SO fun.
SO grateful for such good hearted, kind people in our lives.

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