* We woke up Friday morning to London screaming in pain.
Her poor little ear was killing her.
I got her right into the Dr. thankfully, and sure enough, she had an ear infection.
Thank goodness for antibiotics!
Waiting for her meds to be filled at Target.
Notice the slushy and opened box of Ibproufen.
We were desperate.
Doesn’t she LOOK like she’s in pain?
{P.S. Yes, she’s in her jammies. At Target.}
Poor thing.
We kicked it at home for the rest of the day and while the kids jumped on the tramp and watched Disney, I continued to clean out my craft room and shred old bills from 2005.
{Why on earth I keep things for that long is beyond me!}
*Friday night date night:
We tried a spot we’d never been before.
San Tan Brewing Company in downtown Chandler.
Awesome atmosphere.
We sat out on the patio and it was PERFECT weather.
Didn’t LOVE the food though.
I think I just ordered the wrong thing.
Joe got the mahi mahi tacos and I branched out and tried the San Antonio Mac n’ Cheese with beef brisket. Next time we go back {because I’m all about 2nd chances!} we’ll be ordering their burgers. Apparently it’s what they’re known for.
We headed home, tucked the kidlets into bed and finished off the night by watching
‘Dateline’ and ‘The Middle’.
* Saturday I got to sleep in until 9:30 AM.
It was delightful.
We lounged around at home for most the day.
I grocery shopped for our St. Patty’s Day festivities.
And we tried ANOTHER new spot with the kiddos Saturday night.
{Weekends are ALL ABOUT eating out and not cooking, right?!}
Sal’s Gilbert Pizza in downtown Gilbert.
Yummy, yum YUM!
We were VERY pleased.
Joe wanted to order their speciality pizza – which had baked ziti on top.
I was hesitant to try it…but pleasntly surprised.
It was all delish and we’ll def be back for more.
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
The teenagers in our ward sang THIS song and I swear,
I could not stop wiping the tears from my eyes.
SO. BLESSED to be apart of such a fabulous ward.
* Came home and baked GREEN BREAD for some of my favorite peeps
in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.
Ohhhhh…this bread.
I’ll be sharing
the details and recipe TOMORROW!
{It was SO SUPER YUMMY. And much more of a ‘cake’ than a ‘bread’.}
*Ribs and baked potatoes for Sunday dinner.
* Fun friends over for dessert Sunday night.
London ADORES this sweet little baby.
She asks ALL of the time if she can go over to their house and babysit her.
I made THIS recipe for dessert and man oh man it was tasty.
Rather rich – but very tasty.
{We served ours with Mint Chocolate Chip ice-cream.}
Week 2 of Spring Break this week…
It has been SO nice not having a schedule.
We are LOVING every minute of it.

poor little London.. bless her
Those Taco's looked good to me LOL
I love your bread and printable! super cute!