* Friday was my ‘get er done’ day.
Ever feel like you have SO much to do and just NOT enough time? That was me pretty much all…week…long.
I have a lot of NEW fun things up my sleeve for my Etsy shop and I’ll be posting ALL about them tomorrow. The majority of my day was spent in my craft room. Sipping Diet Coke and craftin’ up a storm.
* Friday night while I waited for Joe to meet me on our date – I browsed around Deseret Book for a bit. Gosh, I love this place.
I think this plate is such a cute idea!
And this book made me cry like a blubbering baby.
Inside the store.
In front of people.
Can you guess which treat is mine?
Does anyone else think that FRUIT has no business being part of dessert?! Chocolate or bust in my book!
* On Saturday I attended a wedding for one of my cute Young Women from years past.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing these sweet girls get married in the temple. It was SUCH a beautiful ceremony.
Finished up work on a wreath that I made to give to the bride and groom. {These will also be in my Etsy shop!}
Isn’t this bride stunning?
I LOVED her hair piece.
They had the cutest little vases hanging all over outside at their reception – each filled with purple flowers {my favorite!}
* Churchey-church on Sunday x 3.
As part my calling, I visited 2 other Relief Society meetings.
It’s so fun to visit with new sisters and see their interaction with one another. I love that our church is the SAME no matter WHERE in the world you go. Sweet, inspiring women everywhere.
I was also able to announce and hand out invitations for our big upcoming Stake Womens Conference!!!
Did these not turn out ADORABLE?!
The ladies that worked on these did SUCH a great job.
I am so happy with how they turned out.
And SUPER excited for this big event.
{Locals – hit me up. You’re gonna wanna come ;)}

You must be the Stake Relief Society President. That's a great calling.
I am the 2nd counselor and I LOVE it! xoxo