* The majority of my Friday was spent working at my kitchen table while a complete stranger cleaned our carpets.
Does that weird out anybody else? – – when people come to do work in your house and you’re all alone??
Thankfully, he didn’t attack me and now my carpets are glistening. Which is a miracle within itself because they looked completely skeevy before he arrived.
* Date night Friday night….
Joe and I LOVE this place.
It’s authentic Italian food and it reminds me of the restaurants from back east where I grew up.
* Dateline when we got home.
{Cause we’re romantic like that}.
20 years and I’m still obsessed with the Jon Benet Ramsey case.
Anyone else think that her parents had something to do with it?
* Most of our Saturday was spent at home.
{LOVE Saturday’s like that! They are few and far between.}
London worked on her Star Student poster for the week…
{LOVING her school pic from this year!}
and I worked on some wreath orders…
* Saturday night we had a Lamoreaux family dinner.
Gosh, I love when we all get together.
We all have such busy schedules and I love that our parents make sure that we find time to see each other.
Cheddar’s in Chandler is where it’s at!
Everything is made from scratch {including these onion rings which were TO DIE FOR!} and their prices are awesome!
London and I headed home and watched the Utah vs. BYU game with the boys {they were supposed to go to the ASU game and then changed their minds at the last minute}.
Goooooooo Utah!
What a game!!
And Gooooooo ASU!
Their team looked awesome.
We had some VERY HAPPY football fans in our house on Saturday night {including ME!}.
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
* We invited our fun friend Judy over for Sunday dinner.
Pot roast + all the sides.
Judy brought the most delicious peach cobbler for dessert.
Utah peaches = dreamy right now.
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
* We invited our fun friend Judy over for Sunday dinner.
Pot roast + all the sides.
Judy brought the most delicious peach cobbler for dessert.
Utah peaches = dreamy right now.

Oohhh yum. ..the end lol
Oohhh yum. ..the end lol