* We headed to the Hangar Cafe {yet again!} for Friday morning breakfast.
We like to get the French Toast and Dutch Scramble and then split the two.
{P.S They have really good Diet Coke}
* Headed to the mall to scout out the
most embarrassing white elephant gift possible.
I think I succeeded.
Luckily, I left London with my parents because well…that Spencer’s gift store? Nasty!
* Date night at the movies.
Dessert at the DQ after.
{Their Peanut Butter Bash sundae is my new favorite!}
* Saturday morning sports.
Here’s what i look like when it’s 60 degrees outside:
Pretty hot, huh?
Luckily Grant is not at the age yet where he gets embarrassed by the way his mom looks in public.
*Saturday night we hosted a small Valentine’s dinner at our house
with some of our favorite peeps.
There were plenty of laughs, a Not so Newlywed game and a
FUNNY white elephant gift exchange.
Details and pics coming later today!
*Meeting, Meetings and Churchey-Church on Sunday.
So blessed to have the BELIEFS that I do.
*Sunday night was cut short as I seemed to have picked up yet another sick bug.
Bedtime WITH the kiddos at 7 PM.
Here’s hoping that THIS sick bug is short lived.
So much to do this week with Valentine’s Day!
Can’t wait!!!

What I would give for 60 degree sports weather! We got more snow this weekend, and spring cannot come fast enough for this Southern Utah girl!
Sadly, no. Thank goodness for DVR. I'm getting ready to watch it now ๐
No Honey BooBoo