* Friday was spent doing laundry, cleaning my upstairs and running errands. I even stopped by MOD Pizza and had lunch all by my very ownself. I may have once dreaded eating in a public place all alone – – but certainly not now.
I actually enjoy it.
If you go – you have to order: the ‘Dominic’ with grilled chicken, artichokes and mozzarella added.
It’s pretty much to die for.
* Friday night my parents took all of us adults out and we celebrated my older brother’s birthday HERE.
{One of my very fave restaurants}.
We headed back to their house afterwards for my mom’s famous carrot cake with ice-cream and we literally laughed our guts out on their back patio while we ate it.
* Saturday morning I went to the one of my favorite places.
One of my darling young women that I taught was going through for the very first time and it was SUCH a neat experience.
Not to mention the PEACE that going inside of this building ALWAYS helps me feel.
Need a spiritual uplift?
Read Mosiah 24.
It pretty much spoke to my soul as I read it while waiting for things to begin on Saturday morning.
* London scored tickets with her cousins to Disney on Ice….
……and the boys finished up their Pinewood Derby cars with Joe over at Uncle Will’s house.
The big race is this weekend and their cars are the coolest ones they’ve made so far.
As long as they don’t come in last – – we’ll be good.
* Saturday night we attended a fundraiser for one of our favorite friends. We ate the BEST fry bread in all of AZ.
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
* Nap time afterwards.
* Spaghetti and Meatballs for dinner.
{Carson’s fave}.
Mother’s Day is coming up soon.
Can you believe it?!?
I’ve whipped up some MOTHERLY goodness and am now offering them in my Etsy shop HERE.

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