* Friday was National Donut Day.
We take this day VERY seriously at the Coombs household.
We FINALLY tracked down the donut truck I’ve been wanting to try…..
And since I’m completely honest with my reviews…
I have to say…..
I was sadly disappointed!!!
I REALLY wanted to like it, too!
{I mean come on, this truck has my name written ALL over it, right?}
The donuts weren’t hot like I had imagined and really, there was nothing to em.
* London and I ran a couple of errands afterwards and then swung back by the house to pick up the boys for our ‘drink run’.
It was 115 degrees on Friday so I encouraged any and all cold beverages possible. {Side note: I think our family alone keeps Circle K in business}.
* Friday night I met up with my sis and 2 dear friends for dinner at Moreno’s….
{seriously…their bean dip though!!!}
….followed by meeting up with my other sis and more dear friends……
…..to watch….
You guys!!!!!!
If you LOVED the book…….
you will ADORE and I mean absolutely ADORE! this movie!!!!
It was SO cute.
The actors played their parts PERFECTLY and I fell in love with Louisa and Will all over again.
Warning: bring tissues.
I sobbed my way through it.
* All day Saturday was spent PARTY PREPPING for a grad/bday party I was asked to help with.
Joe and I managed to sneek in a quick date night close by for dinner HERE and then it was right back to more party prepping.
* On Sunday we delivered all of my cupcakes/cake to the party house….
….and then I stayed home with Carson during church since he wasn’t feeling so hot.
* I had a Stake Womens Conference planning meeting at my house on Sunday night. CHANDLER EAST peeps – – get VERY excited for November 3rd. We have got some FABULOUS things up our sleeves for this event.
* Joe and I finished off the weekend with a Diet Coke, a left -over cupcake and an episode of Dateline. I was pooped.

I'm coming to visit you in AZ for a weekend. . I'm not kidding. Lol
Oh I can barely wait for the movie. .I had a wedding this weekend and wgen u live 2 hrs from a movie theater it's tricky lol
I love love that you and Joe make date night such a priority.. I need big help in this department!!
I'm coming to visit you in AZ for a weekend. . I'm not kidding. Lol
Oh I can barely wait for the movie. .I had a wedding this weekend and wgen u live 2 hrs from a movie theater it's tricky lol
I love love that you and Joe make date night such a priority.. I need big help in this department!!