* Friday morning London and Grant both had dress rehearsals for their dance recital this past weekend and so it was just me and Cars.
We ate tacos at El Sol {my FAVORITE!}….
I’ve never been a huge fan of crispy tacos until this place.
I crave this greasy goodness ALL the time!
* Afterwards we headed over to AZCEND {formerly the Chandler Christian Community Center – same place just different name} to do some volunteer work.
This place has SO much goodness wrapped into it’s tiny building. Locals: if you’ve ever wanted to do volunteer work somewhere – – start here. They have an amazing food bank, a homeless outreach program and MUCH more that you can get involved with.
* Friday night we met up with my parents, Joe’s dad and the Foster’s for a little pre-recital dinner at Mod Pizza.
So fun and so yummy.
This sign was hanging in their bathroom.
If more people would ‘simply do the right thing’….our world would be a better place, don’tcha think?
* Grant and London SHINED at their recital on Friday night.
We LOVE their dance studio and are always amazed at the progress they are making there.
It’s super fun to get to dance with their cousin, too!
So grateful to my parents, Joe’s dad and my sister for coming out to show their support for our kiddos. It really does mean the world to us.
* Saturday was round 2 of the recital.
* Saturday evening was spent with some of our dearest friends, swimming and eating dinner together.
We love this gang like family.
They probably know way more than they should about us but that’s what makes the BEST types of friends, right?
* Churchey-church on Sunday followed by our weekly nap.
I really do LOVE Sunday’s and the chance it gives us to recharge both spiritually, mentally and physically.
We had fun friends over for dinner on Sunday night and they brought the most DEELISH Sweedish meatballs with smashed red potatoes. YuM!
This family is also the same family who adopted Cubby’s brother. Can you see their resemblance?
{Cubby is on the left and has longer fur}.
These 2 have a love/hate relationship.
They play, bite and roll around together NON-STOP when they’re together and then as soon as they’re done…they crash.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
On tap for this week:
– Grant’s first official Scout camp. He’s gone the ENTIRE week and I’m not so sure how I feel about that yet.
– Feeding 70 LDS missionaries LUNCH tomorrow as part of a tri-stake zone conference. I đŸ’—missionaries and the work that they do!
– Taking the kids to see Captain Underpants.
Has anyone seen it yet?
– BBQing with friends + swimming.
Lots of swimming this week.

We love Mod Pizza!
Our RS Presidency has been in charge of feeding the missionaries for their zone conference once this year and once last year.. we went ahead and did the same thing both years since they seemed to love it and we got it down to a system.. but, we are always looking for new ideas too. Would love to hear what you guys are feeding them! đŸ™‚ (and as a missionary mom, thank you!! <3 )
I love that your parents are so involved. . Love it!
Hanging out with missionaries is good for the soul!