* Friday I met the cute girls I work with at church for lunch at one of my favorite joints.
We were celebrating my birthday {yes, I know it was last month but I try and stretch it out for as long as possible π…} and look what one of my cute friend’s gave me.
She knows me all too well!
* The rest of the afternoon was spent working on new
Etsy orders as well as my
* I picked up London up from school and she was GIDDY with excitement because she had won her school song contest!!!!
Her song now gets to be sung at every Character Counts assembly and she has bragging rights for the rest of her life, I guess. π
* Elementary school Fall Ball on Friday night.
This was the fifth and final time that London got to wear her costume for the Halloween season. I’d say it was worth every penny.
* I locked myself in my craft room on Saturday and worked away most of the day.
Joe and the kids snuck away to the “World’s Best Corndogs” truck in east Mesa.
Lucky for me…he brought me one home!
They were ginormous and delish!
{Not sure if they were as good as Disneyland corn dogs but they were definitely up there!}
* Headed to the church on Saturday night to practiced the organ for Sunday.
I loathe this duty.
Thankfully, I only have to do it once a month.
But still….it makes me more nervous than anything!
Messing up on an organ sounds WAY worse than messing up on a piano.
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
Pot roast for dinner + THESE cookies for dessert.
So yummy.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
My big Stake Womens Conference that I’m in charge of is THIS week π
. Just a tad overwhelmed.
We are expecting about 400 ladies and it is really going to be a fabulous night, I can just feel it!
We have such a WONDERFUL keynote speaker, fabulous class teachers, delicious food will be prepared, stunning decorations…..I have been surrounded by the most talented women in planning this and I could not be more excited!

Oh my goodness I canβt wait to hear all about your conference I wish so bad I could be there