Apparently, my immune system did NOT get the memo that this is NOT the week to get sick.
Thats me…au-natural…waiting in the dr’s office with not one but TWO heavy coats on, breathing into my sleeves for warmth because I had the chills, a fever and was SO cold!
After a $75 copay at the Urgent care {UgH!} – – I was told it’s ‘just a virus’ and was prescribed an antibiotic IN CASE it turns into bronchitis, pneumonia or a sinus infection. Oh and the dr told me TO WAIT 3-4 DAYS to see if it gets worse before filling the prescription.
Ummmmm…I’m sorry??
Who on earth has TIME to WAIT!? 3 days to get EVEN MORE sick than they already are??
You better believe I marched myself right to the pharmacy that morning and filled the prescription and started myself on it.
Why does being sick always come at the MOST inconvenient times?
Alas, I am {somewhat} on the mend and this sweet card from London made me instantly feel LOTS better.
Translation: Dear Mommy, I hope you feel better soon. Since you are sick go ahead and smack your sickness away. Hope you don’t get pneumonia like Carson did. Hope your voice feels better so me, Carson and Grant can hear you.
Can you even????
Anyhoozle – – enough about me…..
The show must go on…and it DID! today with our annual Christmas teachers luncheon that I was in charge of.
{Gosh, I love our sweet teachers!}
Made this backdrop with letters cut out from my Silhouette machine. {Have I mentioned how much I LOVE that thing?}
We had Moreno’s cater the event and we had everything from enchiladas and tamales to street tacos, beans, rice, chips and salsa.
Oh and I ordered pies from Village Inn and they were a huge HIT! If you have not ever had pies from there – – you MUST!
That Candy Cane pie might just be my new fave.
It’s got an oreo crust and OMG!!!! Sooooooo yummy!
We also did a raffle and gave away 5 – $25 gift cards.
Oh – – and note to self: Never leave my phone unattended again! ๐ Thank you 3rd grade team for the laugh!

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