* Our Thanksgiving started out with Grant and Joe playing in the annual Turkey Bowl {An ambulance was called. Thankfully, not on my 2…poor guy!}…
While the other 3 of us watched the Macy’s parade.
Joe thinks I’m a weirdo for loving this parade so MUCH but…I grew up with it! It’s somewhat and always will be nostalgic to me.
* The Rupa boys {cousins} stopped by for a bit…
… and then we headed over to Joe’s parents house for the rest of the day.
Grandma Marilyn and Grandpa Scott with all 10 grandkids. |
It was a perfect afternoon and the food was delish!
Like…really, really DELISH.
Like….I ate so much I felt sick afterwards….and then continued to eat some more DELISH.
Thanksgiving evening Joe and I continued on our family tra-dish of taking the kids to the movies.
{Why are movies extra fun on a holiday?}
This year we saw:
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You guys!!!
This is one of the SWEETEST little movies we have seen in a LONG time! Such a darling message.
I won’t name names BUT…2 out of my 3 kiddos cried in it because it was so sweet.
And the graphics?! Amazing. There were parts that looked totally real.
* Friday morning and for the most of the day we kicked it at home.
I powered through some more Etsy orders…
…while the kids entertained themselves around the house.
* Friday night the kids went over to my parent’s house
Joe and I discovered a gem in Chandler for dinner.
This place has been here for forever – – how we are just now discovering it is beyond me.
It’s a hole in the wall type of place and OH SO YUMMY!
Authentic, homemade mexican food.
We shopped afterwards and worked on a few Christmas surprises for the kiddos when we got back home.
* Saturday was spent doing chores around the house.
{My kids were less than thrilled.}
This scripture has been hanging in my bathroom {that was previously so absolutely disgusting I could barely even walk inside of it} and I almost have it memorized. I am excited to ‘ponderize’ on a new one this week.
* Saturday night was date night for the boys and I while Joe and London went out on their own little date night.
We have a tra-dish of doing this every year about this time.
The boys get to each pick out a Christmas present for London and Joe while London picks out presents for the boys and me. In another week or so, we’ll flip flop so everyone gets someone a present.
The kids LOVE it.
* Sunday, I stayed home from church with Carson who had been battling a bad cough all night long.
We made the best of it by watching ABC FAMILY movies and making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.
We made THIS soup for dinner and used up the last of our turkey leftovers. {Even though we never spend Tgiving at our own house each year, I still like to cook up our own turkey for leftover/sandwich purposes.}
So many things on tap for this week:
* Addressing and sending out our family Christmas cards!
* Working on tags for our 2015 Christmas neighbor gifts
* Beginning our annual
* Holiday hayride at the kids’ school
And last but not least….
* Buddy the Elf arrives!!!!
How is it possible that December is {almost} already here?!?
Unknown says
We went and saw The Good Dinosaur this weekend too! Although it didn't make the list of one of my all time favorites, it was pure Disney magic. I loved the themes woven throughout as well!