* Make the kids’ classroom Valentine’s.
Don’t worry…I let them help. They get to sign their names.
* Plan this year’s Valentine Bash.
Must make a trip to Spencer’s Gifts this week {hopefully without London this time!}
all in hopes of finding the most embarassing white elephant gift of the evening.
See last year’s party HERE.
* Plan London’s 4th Birthday party.
Princess style.
Must get out invites soon.
* Air out our house from a weekend full of sickies.
Yeah…it’s got that smell.
* Laundry, Laundry, and more Laundry.
{Why does it NEVER disappear?}
* Help plan a Valentine’s mutual night for the empty nesters in our ward.
My cute Laurels are in charge and it is going to be FUN!
* Find bunk beds for the boys.
It’s time…
But I don’t want to spend an arm and a leg.
Any suggestions?
* Find a way to organize the toy room. And London’s room.
They’re both in need of a serious clean-up.
I think London’s a mini hoarder.
{Like, for reals.}
*Finalize plans for our 10 year anniversary.
Hint: It involves water, sun and no kids.
{We are giddy with excitement!}
* Enjoy this BEAUTIFUL 70 degree weather.
It’s supposed to get COLD this weekend.
Like back down to 60….BLeH!

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