This week is READ ACROSS AMERICA week.
The boys’ school also celebrates Dr. Seuss this week.
{Seuss’ birthday was on Saturday!}
I wanted to make some fun treats for Grant’s class to help kick off the festivities and the cute little Lorax kept coming to my mind.
These cupcakes were extremely easy to make.
I had a mustache lollipop mold on hand that I used by melting yellow chocolate candy wafers.
Pretty close to the real deal, right?!?
I used a regular yellow cake mix with store bought frosting {gasp!} dyed orange with food coloring.
Two of my very favorite quotes from this movie:
“It’s not about what it is, it’s about what it
can become.”
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful
a lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
Coming soon….CARSON’S Dr. Seuss class treats.

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