Who else finds it hard to believe that Thanksgiving has already come and gone?
We press forward now to Christmas.
My how time flies.
Our Thanksgiving weekend went down like this:
Wednesday I helped organize both Grant and Carson’s classroom feasts at school.
I made the turkey treats on the left.
A crafty mom in Grant’s class made the adorable ‘pie’ cupcakes on the right.
Helping out in the kids’ classrooms is one of my greatest joys.
It’s so fun to see the interaction that goes on in there.
Thursday we spent the afternoon and evening at my mom and dad’s house.
Our entire Lamoreaux family was present
{minus my cute nephew Ryan who is serving an LDS mission}.
Everything was perfect from the food to the decor.
Next year we are giving the kids table the boot outside.
They were TOO noisy! {Smile}.
Aren’t those turkey leg place settings darling?
My 11 year old niece made them for all of the children.
My mom had the adult table all decked out in brilliance…
Yes…we even get our very own salt and pepper shakers at each place setting.
She’s prepared like that.
{Do you think she’d notice if I stole them?}
Sadly, it was a day of fevers, a bit of barfing and a few other things for little Londy Lou…
She was definitely not her normal sassy, spunky, diva-esque self.
At 7 PM that night my sister and I headed out to Wal-mart to do our annual
Black Friday shopping.
Black Friday shopping.
Yes…it was crazy…crowded….and filled with all sorts o’ nasty, outraged shoppers.
But as always…it was worth it.
There were deals to be had.
And we conquered.
In home and in bed by 10:00? Yes! Please!
The rest of the weekend included:
Putting out our Christmas decor…only to be halted promptly by….your very own…catching the flu bug.
Barfing {amongst other things} at it’s worst.
What a weekend to get sick!
You KNOW i’m really sick when…..
* I can’t even stand to walk through Target {gasp!}
* The thought of drinking soda sounds disgusting {double gasp!}
* We cancel our date night with fun friends to go and see the movie Lincoln.
{Sigh. There’s always next weekend, right?}
Fingers crossed I’m back to my normal healthy self by tomorrow.
I’ve got LOTS to accomplish this week:
I’ve got LOTS to accomplish this week:
* Ordering Christmas cards
{The pics turned out! Hoor-ah! Can’t wait to share them with you.}
* Starting work on our ‘neighbor and friend’ gifts.
See past gifts HERE, HERE and HERE.
* I’m in charge of our ward Christmas breakfast on Saturday.
Planning for a mere 250 people…no biggie, right?
Yikes! Good thing I have so much help!
* Wrapping 25 Christmas books for our yearly tradition.
* Helping Buddy… our Elf on a Shelf make his grand debut.
Guess I better get all of the rest I need today!
Good thing I LOVE the holiday season so very much!
I do indeed!!!

I got on to ask the same question as Tiffany above me! Do you know what you are doing for your YW for Christmas? If you are emailing Tiffany can you email me too, pretty please! Cassieames@gmail.com
So i am having the hardest time coming up with a little Christmas gift for my YW, what are you guys doing this year? you've always got some great ideas so I thought I'd ask. : )
ooh I feel like I can sleep good tonight now knowing what went down with the Coombs family! ahahha
Sorry you got sick:(
I am making home made coasters for neighbours this year.. thank you pintrest, super easy, super cheap, super cute!!!! ๐
What a great weekend with your loved ones! I'm very happy you have such an amazing family, Marci, your post made me miss my family so much more:-( And your mom did such a terrific job with the table! Can't wait to see all of your upcoming Christmas posts;-)