* London has been giving THIS song a big thumbs up lately. So much so that when she first hears it on the radio…her eyeballs bulge out of her eye-sockets. That’s how much she loves it. It might just be our summer anthem because the boys love it equally as much. I {liked} it. Until last night when I was trying to go to bed and it kept ringing through my head. Now? Not so much. {Note to self: stop watching TV and listening to the radio right before bed}.
* I really wish Jimmy Fallon was on BEFORE Jay Leno. He is so…much…funnier! Leno has lost his mo-jo. Jimmy’s ‘thank you notes’ kill me! And I love The Roots.
* I really really really hate it when you invest a good 2 hours into a Dateline episode…only to find out that THE CASE HAS NOT BEEN SOLVED. What gives? Why would they even do this to us? If it’s to notify the public of a suspect or gain information…..then that’s what America’s Most Wanter is for! I LOVE Dateline. But what I love MOST about it…is seeing the scum-bag in the end get prosecuted and thrown into jail.
* Speaking of TV {yes…I watch a lot} have you seen the show ‘Freaky Eaters’? It’s disturbing. Don’t get me wrong…I get on my {kicks} of obsessions with certain favorite foods. Otis Spunktemyer cookies. Mint Chocolate Chip Ice-cream from Water and Ice. Cracklin Oat Bran cereal. But come on! I get over it in about a week. These people are literally OBSESSED. It’s nasty.
*And speaking of nasty {and TV of course} have you seen the show ‘Hoarders’. Another disturbing show that I can’t seem to get enough of. Although lats night….I HAD TO TURN IT OFF. It was an episode with a guy who hoarded RATS!!!! I couldn’t stomach it. They were everywhere. They even nested in his MATTRESS!
* Why are fireworks even allowed in the state of AZ? I mean sparklers…yes, I can understand. But anything else should be banned. Have we not all been watching the raging wildfires burning through out our state so far this summer? I think we, as a state, can go without our pyrotechnics for just ONE year. Agreed?
* THIS seems to be my new favorite song lately. Love this singer.
* My kids eat chicken nuggets and french fries AT LEAST one meal a day. Everyday. Sue me.
* It’s that time of the year again where I count ‘swimming in the pool’ as a ‘bath’ or ‘shower’ for my kids. Come on…in my defense…it’s chlorinated! Germs are killed .
*And now for my random thoughts on NBC’s THE VOICE:
– Javier is my HANDS DOWN favorite. His rendition of THIS song last night was AH-mazing.
– Cee-Lo speaks mumble jumble.
– I am pleasantly surprised at just how much I enjoy Blake Shelton. He is so funny and somewhat charming, no?
– Yes, my crush is still in effect for Adam Levine.
– And yes. This is still my favorite new show.

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