It’s my hub-sters bday today. The big 3-4. {When did we both get so old?} In keeping with the theme of the day being ALL ABOUT JOE {smile}….I’m doing my Random Wednesday today…..JOE STYLE. Random…..funny facts about my better half. Strap on your seatbelts!
*While giving birth to Grant….I was literally in the middle of pushing when Joe told the nurse to hang on just a minute….he had to go to the bathroom. And we’re not talking number 1. He actually LEFT the room and went DOWN the hall because he had to go number 2 and it couldn’t wait. Seriously. I held pushing Grant out….just so he could go number 2. Lets just say he’s lucky he made it back in time.
*Joe prides himself in being a ‘comic genius’. Sometimes I catch him practicing jokes in front of the mirror. He gets embarrassed when I catch him but according to him…”the joke is all in the delivery”. I guess that’s why so many people find him funny. Practice makes perfect 🙂
*He eats ANYTHING. And I mean ANYTHING. Think…..cheeseburger from QT. Or……nasty day old hot dog from a random gas station. He’s had it all. (I will give him credit though for discovering the QT taquito. Those really aren’t so bad).* He can spot a ‘traveling gypsy’ out of nowhere.* He washes his cups BEFORE he uses them. Even if it’s at OUR HOUSE and they’ve JUST been cleaned in the dishwasher.* He’s obsessed with styrofoam cups.* He idolizes Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Can you blame him?* Until we went on our Alaskan cruise…he pronounced the city Juneau — as JUNE-A-OO.* He didn’t kiss a girl until he was 22. {I like to tease him about it but I’m actually quite proud!}* He has a weird crush on Sarah Palin. Which is gross. And wrong. Especially because we’re liberal.
*He’s not afraid to crack a semi-vulgar joke at any given time in front of ANYONE. In fact, he loves shock value. He’ll do whatever it takes to make someone blush.
*He can take a nap at 7:00 at night and wake up at 10pm. Work for another 4 hours and go back to bed. He’s a night owl.
*He loves Will Ferrell as much as I do. And Zach Galifanakis.
*He’s always up for eating out. I love him for that. Rarely does he make me feel bad about not wanting to cook…which seems to be more often then not!
*He cleans the toilets when they’re so nasty we can’t even stand to look at them anymore. And when I say clean, he scrubs.
*He doesn’t complain when I hire the cleaning lady. He actually enjoys her as much as I do. (Thank goodness!)* He always knows when I’m in need of a soda.
* He likes Disneyland {or pretends to} as much as me!* He treats my family like gold.* He treats his family like gold.* He treats our family like gold. -
*He would do ANYTHING to help ANYONE out. He is CONSTANTLY thinking of others. Many a times, he has dropped what he was doing and gone to help a family member, a church friend or a neighbor and has put his work on hold.* He’s a super hard worker. Often times people thinks he’s ‘got it easy’ working from home but he puts in A LOT of hours earning money for our family. Granted…most of the time it’s in his pjs but…can you blame him?* Since he works at home…he likes to tell people that ‘sexual harrassment’ is actually encouraged at his work place. OH BOY!
What more could I ask for in a husband? Good looks. Funny sense of humor. Kind. Compassionate. Understanding. I could go on and on but it would probably raise the barf factor for the rest of you reading so I’ll leave it at that.

I also think point #1 and #3 may be related………
Happy birthday! We need to get together for a cousin party or something when I make it to AZ next time.
Happy Birthday Joe! You are one of a kind. Enjoy your day.
Lori and Brian Millsaps
A few of those are Coombs traits…. The #2 when you had Grant… My family likes to call it the Coombs Curse. When you gotta go you gotta go. Many a time I have heard my Dad race into the house and SPRINT to the bathroom. It's in the genes:) Happy Birthday Joe!
Great tribute to Joe. And yes, the practicing jokes in the mirror has payed off. He's a hoot.