2020 is here and I’m finally rolling out some NEW printables for the year that I’m SUPER excited about!!
Since we’re all studying the Book of Mormon this year I thought these gumballs would make a fun little incentive for primary aged children…
The youth theme for 2020 is GO and DO and who doesn’t love some warm fuzzy socks??
I even made up a birthday tag that could be use for ministering or Relief Society sisters!
I came across this quote from President Nelson not too long ago {it’s from his Oct. 2015 talk, “A Plea to My Sisters”}…
And I just knew I had to make it into something.
If you haven’t ever read the talk, I strongly encourage you to do so!
Another quote I love, to go along with the Go and Do theme…
And lastly, yet another quote that inspires me from President Nelson….
This one can be used as birthday tag….or not!
I’ve created it both ways!
For ALL of my new tags you can find them in my Etsy shop HERE!
Happy Browsing!

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