It’s a NEW year and that means a NEW batch of PRINTABLES!!!
I’ve been creating up a storm and I’m SO excited to share with you alllll the things! Make sure and check back each day this week for updates.
If you serve in PRIMARY I’ve got some fun stuff for you all…
Primary POP ROCKS Printable HERE
Have no idea what PRIMARY is but still want the printable tags without the churchey-church stuff?
I’ve gotchu covered.
{These are especially good for school teachers to pass out to their students on their birthdays!}
Birthdays ROCK Printable HERE
Every child loves a good PRAYER rock to help them remember to PRAY…..right?
There are LOTS of different ways you can use these fun printables…
Pray Rock Printable HERE
Want the kids to remember the COME FOLLOW ME curriculum this year?
Just add any sweet treat you want!
Come Follow Me Birthday Printable HERE
Relief Society Ladies!…..
Each year I create a new card that can be used as a bookmark, to place into a simple greeting card…or just to attach to a treat to tell someone you’re thinking about them!
Love this quote SO much from President Nelson.
President Nelson’s Quote 2019 Printable HERE

I just had to comment and tell you I have NEVER seen anyone spell my name the same way until I came across your page. My full name is Marcella but I grew up thinking it was Marci because that is what I called. That is what I learned to write in school. Anyways very neat items. I found your page while looking for ideas for relief society treats. Have a blessed Sunday.