Just recently I posted about THIS fabulous advent calendar idea. Well yesterday, I had a couple of girlfriends over and we made our own. My version is above and below. I decided to add ribbon to mine…which I’m so glad I did because I think it makes the whole thing pop.
Here are a few things you should know if you plan to make this. And you should…because it’s super simple! {My kids are already giddy to start opening the eggs.}
* I used the smallest size of cookie sheets. At Wal-mart, you can get a package of 3…all different sizes….for $4. I plan to use the other 2 sizes for Halloween and Christmas advent calendars.
* The polka-dot and designed eggs were also purchased at Wal-mart
* The magnets were at Wal-mart as well. A package of 18 SELF ADHESIVE {which I LOVE!} for only about a dollar.
* My friend has a silhouette machine and so she printed out the title and numbers. {Note to self. Or Joe: Need a silhouette machine badly.} Stickers however would’ve worked just as well.
* I am going to fill half of the eggs with treats and the other half with {Easter-ish} activities.
Happy Crafting!

It's even cuter than the original!!