Today I made up some handouts for lesson #33:
Avoiding Degrading Media Influences.
My cute advisor taught the lesson and it was SO relevant to our young women.
They are bombarded these days it seems, with media influences….
Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Myspace….
So much media can be POSITIVE and USEFUL,
while others can be DEGRADING and HARMFUL to our minds.
I found these cute ‘treasure boxes’ at Hobby Lobby in the party section.
A package of 8 for $1.99. {Cheaper than that if you have your coupon!}
The lesson talks about the symbolism of the SKULL and CROSSBONES so I put that quote on the back of the box with a strip of ribbon.
And since I can’t seem to make a handout without a good pun….here’s what I FILLED the boxes with…
My 2 counselors were in charge of teaching their own classes with this same lesson and I HAD to share what their handouts were as well {because they were adorable!} so I snapped a couple of quick pics.
She filled a cute cup with candy and made it look like a ‘garbage can’ to go along with this quote:
“Do not make your mind a dumping ground for other people’s garbage.”
-President Ezra Taft Benson
My other counselor printed out these cute bookmarks from Sugardoodle and handed out ice-cream sandwiches to go along with them.
It’s hard to see…but that ice-cream sundae pictured, has a big ole black bug in it.
The quote reads:
“It’s great except for….the bad parts.
What kinds of movies & music are you feeding your mind”

I got the supplies last night to make the treasure chests! This is going to be my first Sunday in YW in our new ward! Thank you for giving me something to hand out that I know the girls will love!
I LOVE all your ideas, unfortunately I am on the same teaching schedule as you and so I don’t see your fun handouts until after my lesson is over. Boo! I am teaching lesson 37 Caring for our physical bodies this Sunday and can’t come up with anything fun. Do you have any ideas and if you get a chance will you share them early with us. Thank you so much for all your efforts.
Help! Any way you can speed ahead? I have lesson 39 on Sunday!
The President Benson handout is mine! I'm so glad that someone else found it useful too! YAY! Thanks for sharing!!