My 33rd birthday has come and gone and can you believe that I took NO pictures to document it? Zero. Zip. Nada. What was I thinking? You’ll have to bear with me while I give you the deets. Picture-less. Lets start with the lowlights. Luckily…there was only one.
Lowlight: Grant waking me up at 6 AM asking me for my facebook password. May I remind you that…he’s 6 years old! And he wants to get on my facebook account!?! When I told him no…and then rolled over…he stormed out of my room and yelled “This is the worst day ever!” If that doesn’t SCREAM Happy Birthday Mom and I love you…I don’t know WHAT does!
Lucky for me…there were FAR more highlights to be had.
* breakfast at Liberty Market with Joe, my parents and my sis. I ate so much I wasn’t hungry until dinner.
* a sparkly purple pedicure with my mother-in-law + a large Diet Coke. SO fun!!
* shopping. Kidless. At all of my favorite stores. {Did you know… Old Navy is having a HUGE sale right now?}
* laying in my bedroom with the windows open and reading magazines.
* receiving one of THESE. SO super excited to try it out.
* dinner at Joe’s Farm Grill with my fam and the Rupas. PERFECT night to eat outside. It was bliss. And so was my pumpkin pie milkshake that I ordered. It was like drinking the season of fall, right through a straw.
* all of my friends’ texts, notes, cards and facebook messages. How special you all make me feel! I am the luckiest girl alive!!!

Yay! Happy, happy belated birthday!