This past week, our family had the opportunity to go through the brand new
It was truly breathtaking.
Each room was SO stunning.
We were fortunate enough to take 2 different families with us…one of Muslim faith and the other Catholic, and they were in AWE of it all.
{And really, how could anyone NOT be? Every last detail is perfect inside and out.}
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints.
A lot of my blog posts, revolve around the fact that I’m a Mormon.
For this, I will be forever grateful.
I love my faith and the knowledge of peace and comfort that it brings to me.
I know that families can be together forever.
I know that God lives.
Please, please, please do me a favor.
If you live in the AZ area, PLEASE take a tour of this sacred building.
There are still a few weeks left and it is open to EVERYONE!!!
PLEASE let me know if you’re interested and I WILL GO WITH YOU!
The feeling inside of the Temple is like nothing else.
You WILL LEAVE, being spiritually uplifted.
And who doesn’t need THAT?!?

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