I survived.
I did indeed.
Let’s just say that I did NOT grow up in a family full of campers.
Our idea of ‘camping’ was heading to the beach for a week and staying in a condo.
I like running water, being clean, and flushing my toilets.
Lucky for me…I also married a NON-CAMPER.
Joe and I don’t even own a sleeping bag.
I’ve served in a young women’s callings of sorts ever since Joe and I have been married.
Which is 9 years to be exact.
Every time Girls Camp got close in the past…I’d come up with a legit excuse as to
WHY I WOULDN’T be able to attend.
One year I planned a cruise.
Another year, I got pregnant. On purpose. Just to avoid going.
Some years I just flat out said NO to the idea.
This year….I was set on facing my fears.
As YW President, I felt the NEED AND DESIRE to be there.
For the ENTIRE week.
No wimping out this time…
And I was blessed. Very blessed.
Such. A. Blast.
My sweet Young Women could not have been better.
Such BIG hearts and STRONG testimonies.
They made ME a better person this week.
And for that…I’ll be forever grateful.
{Not pictured here is my cute 1st counselor Dorie and my cute Beehive advisor Jenny}.
These women are AHH-MaZiNg!
Not to mention that BOTH of my camp directors were PREGNANT!
Yup…they were troopers.
Highlights of Camp included:
*Going around the circle at night and saying our ‘favorite thing’ of the day
*Dance Party
*Dance Party
*Making hot chocolate and s’mores
*Staying up late talking about funny things in the leaders tent
*Washing hair
*Braiding hair
*Painting nails
*Every meal {those cooks….they were incredible! I’ve never eaten so well in my life!}
*Faith Walk
* Devotionals
* Hugs all around
*Watching skits
*Singing songs
*Coming up with cheers
*Stake class
*Humanitarian class
*Testimony Meeting
*Happy Jack {yes…I snuck off twice to get a good hot shower and BOY was it worth it!}
*Playing the name game
*Lots Lots more…
Lowlights of Camp included:
*Being dirty
*Using the Port o’ Potties
*Being cold at night
As you can see…my highlights WAY outnumbered my lowlights.
{And those lowlights were to be expected, right?}
I wouldn’t take back this past week of my life for anything.
I feel privileged and blessed to have been a part of it.
No…I’m not now a ‘BELIEVER‘ in camping.
I’m not rushing out to buy my own sleeping bag anytime soon.
And bonding with my beautiful girls in the wilderness.
And for THAT….I may just go back next year.
{Part 2 tomorrow….the decor!}

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