This weekend is one of my favorites!
For those who don’t know much about the LDS faith – – it’s General Conference this weekend!
That means…we get to stay home and watch church on the TV in our jammies – – usually with lots of treats surrounding us.
It’s always a spiritually uplifting weekend and one that I always look forward to.
Chips and queso is one of our family’s very favorite Sunday snacks!! I thought these tags might be fun to deliver to the family’s that Joe Home Teaches and the ones that I Visit Teach as well!
And since Conference falls on Easter weekend this year…why not throw some chips with the queso in a cute little basket to make things extra festive?
I don’t know a family that wouldn’t like this snack, right?
To download a FREE copy of my QUESO tags
{There are 4 per page and you can print them off however many times you need!}
Queso not your thing?
{Stop it – what’s wrong with you? I kid…I kid.}
As well as all of these….
…right HERE!
{And they’re all FREE!}
As always – if you plan to download any of my tags – I
just ask that you PLEASE make sure to become
an official follower of my blog
{right hand side under ‘Follow’}.
You can also follow me on
my social media sites where I post regularaly
*Ideas are posted daily!*
Also – – I am MORE than flattered when others
‘replicate’ my ideas and come up with their
‘own’ tags. I just
PLEASE ask that you give credit where credit
is due when posting, and please link back to
this original post. xoxo

Thank you so much for doing this! You are so talented and so generous. I really appreciate you sharing your talent with me! I was wondering if you would mind emailing me a jpeg of a single queso tag? I’m worried it will take up too much ink to print so I was thinking of just printing it as a photo print at walmart but I can’t get the formatting correct. If not, no worries at all. Also, I’d love to follow you but I’m not sure how! How do I do that?
Thanks so much!
Liz Allgaier