I’m not gonna lie – – –
having ALL my kids back in school is pretty much
Moms who have kids back in school – – doesn’t the day FLY by? Lol. I feel like I am bouncing from place to place just to get everything done in time for pickup!
I have THOROUGHLY enjoyed being able to browse through the stores this week – – sipping on my soda – – uninterrupted.
It’s the little things, right?!
I’m pretty sure Target was glad to see me back, too.
$ BIN finds this week included….
These darling milk cartons!
2 to a package for only a buck!
Would be super cute to fill up with treats and give to a teacher.
I honestly don’t remember pencil cases looking this cute when I was a kid.
Going on a road trip?
This chalkboard clipboard could be SUPER entertaining for a little one!
LOVE these little light up marquee letters.
Wouldn’t they be SO fun on a desk or in a college dorm room?
Purple Lovers {that’s ME!}…….
These purple jars!!!!!
Over at Michaels….
{I haven’t been there in forever!}
Aren’t these milk jars with straws CUTE?
On sale for only $2 a jar!
And these greeting cards….!!!!
They come with a full on vegetable peeler.
Or grater.
Or whisk.
And the envelope is even included!
Left card says : You are the ‘great-est’
Right card says: You ‘whisk’ me away.
On sale for $1.50 a card!
Already thinking ahead to fall {I have to! It’s so dang hot here right now!}…
Cute little personal pie dishes.
Would be fun to bake some up and give to friends & neighbors.
Speaking of little….
love these cute tiny cube baking pans.
You could bake up little brownies in these for a party.
Anyone hosting a missionary farewell?
Those bicycle napkins for only $1 grabbed my attention!
And who says you can’t put a chalkboard on EVERYTHING?!
Chalkboard ribbon???
Not exactly HOW this would work out – – seems like it would be a tad messy — like the chalk would smudge easily, right?
And then just as I saw the Halloween garb in the store – – I got a teeny bit excited and then this sight….
…reminded me that I have a son with some SERIOUS aracnaphobia and he’ll most likely be avoiding all craft stores/grocery stores/stores in general in the next couple of months.
{Like for reals FOR REALS! aracnaphobia!}
Anyone know how they overcome this?
And don’t say – – ‘make them hold a spider’ because EW! I would never.

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