Who’s excited it’s Friday???
My kidlets are back in school and my ‘errands’ and shopping trips have resumed.
Cutest chalkboard sign found in the $ bins at Target.
Woudn’t that be super cute sitting on a shelf?
Also in the $ bins – – this cute Thanksgiving turkey.
I think I’d get one for each of my kids and have them write different things they’re THANKFUL for on each feather.
Over at the Dollar Tree….
How fun would these plastic gumball machines be for party favors? All filled up with bubblegum of course.
Spotted these ADORABLE vintage looking drinking jars at Hobby Lobby this week. $15.99 so def use your coup.
Also at the Hob Lob – – these fun dry erase Thanksgiving boards. Would love to get one and have my family EACH write something new on the board every day of November.
$19.99 + 40% off.
Over at JoAnns – –
…all of their fallish Food Baking and Craft supplies are 40% off. How cute are those burlap bags???
And polka dot boxes!
Back at Target – – {yes…I go there a lot!}
I had to LAUGH at this shirt.
Word to the Wise: If you’re posting MORE THAN ONE selfie a week – – that’s TOO MANY selfies for the world to see.
But then again, hey – – this shirt might just be for you, haha.
Ummmm….ReaLLy Target?!?
I’ve seriously been questioning their clothing dept. lately.
And can you tell that I’m getting
SUPER excited for Thanksgiving???
LOVE this Harvest tree – – yet another fun thing to have the kiddos put what they’re THANKFUL for on and display.
Last but not least….
I’m officially obsessed with GOLD everything.
These gift bags are AWESOME!

My thing with clothes are, do people really buy that stuff? Even my kids ask that question. .