Better late than never, right?!
I finally had a little extra time to browse around some of my favorite spots last week and boy oh boy – – these spots did NOT disappoint.
Over at Hobby Lobby….
My front door NEEDS this darling wreath.
I MUST go back and get it before they are all gone.
LOTS of cute Easter banners to choose from….
Side Note: ALL Easter/Spring stuff at the Hob Lob is already 40% off! Cha-ching!
The Target $ bins have been freshly restocked with all things SPRING and EASTER and I was pretty much in heaven.
Can you EVEN …. with these jars?????
Such a lovely wooden sign for like a book shelf or a mantle.
Caraffes! In springtime colors!!!
These St. Pat’s Day jars will be gone before this week is over. I just KNOW it. {St. Pat’s day stuff goes FAST I’ve learned}. They’d be SO fun filled up with gold Rolos. Or better yet – – gold Hershey Treasures chocolates.
This wooden crate!
I’m thinking it would be fun to deliver cupcakes with one of these. And to LEAVE the crate as part of the treat!
Ok for only a buck you can get this cute pacakge of cardstock eggs. I think you could punch a whole in each one and thread some twine through it for some CHEAP and DARLING bunting.
Easter Baskets???
Darling little puzzles all packaged up cute in different containers.
I did splurge and buy me a new cake stand….for only 5 bucks!
I already have BIG plans for my kitchen table Easter centerpiece with this cute stand.

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