Ohhhhhhh Target.
How I’ve missed you.
I feel like this post should probably be sponsored by Target… but it’s not.
These are just allllll the things that I’ve found today that are SUPER cute that I wanna make sure my readers are aware of.
Can you believe it’s been 6 weeks since I’ve even stepped foot inside of a Target? I know. Crazy, huh? I think that’s like a world record or something for me.
Since my surgery I just haven’t felt like doing too much until recently. And even still…if I do do too much…I’m still pooped afterwards so I’m still trying to find my balance.
{Haha…I used the words do-do and pooped in the same sentence. I may be almost 41 but I still have the brain of an 8 year old.}
Anyhoozle…you’re here for the FINDS so let’s get going!
Cuuuuuute glitzzed out Halloween trees and wreaths.
{I’m pretty sure ‘glitzzed’ isn’t even a word but who cares, right?}
I don’t think I will EVER get tired of stripes and plaids.
These will make great little dessert plates for Halloween parties. And only $1!
LOTS of black succulents in pots {artificial of course} that could really spook up a shelf in your house.
Spooky not your thing?
I LOVE this bright orange pumpkin succulent!
You guys…is this not the cutest thing you’e ever seen?
I bought the green one.
Lottttssss and lots of pumpkins to choose from…
Wool, felt….
And my favorite!
Gingham and buffalo plaid…
FOR ONLY $1 each!!!!
So many cute canvas banners…
This one would be cute to hang during the month of November.
DARLING 2 liter soda bottle labels for Halloween!
$1 and SIX come in the package!
It’s officially SOUP season…
Aren’t these the cutest soup bowls EVER?
I think it would be fun to pair one of these up with a dry soup mix of some sort and give it to a friend!
Okay I wanted to buy like 10 of these but since they were $5 each I settled for one. {You’re welcome, Joe.}
They’re sorta like tin-ish and they have a little pre-lit votive inside of it. My plan is to make some teeny-tiny bunting to go across the front of it and then change it out with each holiday as it sets on one of my shelves downstairs.
Cute, huh?
You guys, the fact that I even considered buying this shirt {because Cubby!} makes me question who I even am anymore and what I’ve even become.
{I didn’t buy it}.
On the endcaps in the party section I found these darling paper plates. And yes, I am sucker for paper plates.
I love these for TWO reasons.
1. Their colors
2. The big plate is OVAL which means it’s BIG which means you could totally host a dinner with friends and use these!
{A lot of paper plates are just too dang small for a big meal!}
Let the BOO-ing season begin!
These are just cute little boxes that you could fill up with candy and leave on someone’s doorstep.
Favor boxes!
Would be fun to fill with caramel corn or something and then tie it up with cellophane and ribbon.
And lastly, why do I love these SO VERY much?
I wanna buy em so bad, aren’t they fun?

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