Too many FUN FINDS this past week to skip over my regular post.
The Dollar Tree had these adorable chair covers.
Next time I go back I’m picking up 6 for my entire kitchen table.
{Honestly, why don’t I just pick things up the first time I see them? It would make my life so much easier.}
Also at The Dollar Tree, these cute Birthday glasses.
Would be so fun to always have one of these on hand for the birthday boy or girl to drink out of,
on their special day.
Have you checked out Target’s Dollar bins lately?
Oh my.
LOVE these muslim drawstring bags.
Would be so cute with a painted stamp on there or something.
LOVE LOVE LOVE these lids for jars,
so that you can instantly turn them into a vase for flowers.
How have I never discovered these before?
Are they brand new out there??
At Wal-mart they had these white plastic DECORATING eggs – – no need to boil your own..these do the trick! Only $1.97 for a dozen.
{Although but then what would you do when it’s time to make ‘deviled eggs’ – an all time favorite Easter snack of mine!}
Also spotted….. these MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP Chips Ahoy!
{Mint + Chocolate = my FAVE!}
Ummm….not so sure about these Carrot Cake M&Ms.
Have they run out of flavors to try??
Anyone tried em?
JoAnn’s had these yummy, delicious looking candles for only a buck.
And last but not least, spotted this funny sign at a local boutique.
So true folks. So true.
{Just ask my kids.}

Going to Dollar Tree soon, thanks for the post of all the goodies. The sign is just too funny!!