Kids are out of school now for summer,
so sneaking away for ‘ME‘ time is getting quite a bit harder.
After taking them ALL to the grocery store with me the other day though, I’ve decided that AT LEAST once a week, I am paying a babysitter to come over so I can get my errands done in PEACE!
{Picutre ‘Bats Outta HE#!’ and that was exactly how my kids were acting at the store. Sigh.}
Regardless – – here are my FUN FINDS for the week.
LOVE these unfinished frames that you can paint yourself.
Only a buck at Michaels!
Also at Michaels….these darling mini Milk jars for $1.99….
……and these ROLLS of decorative tissue paper.
{Although I’d definitely be using my 40% off coupon on these. $9.99 is a tad much,no?}
If you have not yet tried these Girl Scout cookie Crunch bars – – you need to hightail it to your nearest Costco and give em a go. They are SUPER SUPER YUMMY and only a seasonal thing so get em while they’ve got em!!!
I’m somewhat of a Ranch snob.
I like Ranch A. LOT!
{Given the choice, I might just bathe myself in it.
Ok, not really but you get the jist.}
This LITEHOUSE FAMILY FAVORITES jar is HANDS DOWN my new fave kind to buy and keep in the fridge.
{All Ranch dressings are NOT created equally.}
Yesterday, while the sitter was over..I also ventured out to Trader Joe’s.
{Remember THIS post?}
Happy to say I’ve stocked up on all new items and once they’ve all been taste tested by my family {well, mostly me!} I will be giving another full review.
Here’s a sneek peek though at one of my already NEW faves:
There are no words really, to describe this delicious-ness.

oh you had me at girls scount thin mints!!!!!!!! deelish.. and guess what, I am going to Costco today… tripto the city for me, Costco, target, bath & body works woohooo!!!!!
I wish so bad we had trader joes, I hear so many great things about it!
is it ultra expensive, or not too bad?
oh and I am planning on totally paying a baby sitter here are there in the summer!!!