Easter stuff is already out.
Can you believe it?
Isn’t this ‘bunny bum’ banner adorable?
Over at the Targ in their $ bins…
I spied these cute little erasers and instantly thought they would make fun Valentines.
Attach a tag that reads:
I’m so FORTUNE-ate to have you as a friend.
They also had these test tubes of office/desk supplies.
Each one is only $1.
It’d be cute to tie a ribbon around a few of them
and give to a teacher.
Over at Wally-World….
These mustache glasses {in their Vday section} instantly caught my eye. {My Carson LOVES mustache ANYTHING. See the ‘Mustache Bash’ themed baptism party we threw him last year HERE.}
And yes…I’ll be purchasing this shirt for him as well!
LOVING these chalkboard label chevron treat sacks.
Back at Target….
They had these large character bubbles.
Would be fun for a Birthday party favor or for a Valentine treat to your ‘princess loving’ child.
Oh…and one more thing spotted at Hobby Lobby….
These cute light up MARQUEE initials.
{I am LOVING this trend right now!}
They’re on sale for $35.
And just because I love a good laugh — I couldn’t help but chuckle when I came across one of my ALL TIME favorite SNL skits this past week.
Do you remember this one?
Amy Poehler is a classic.
Watch HERE

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