Target’s $ spot was GOOD this week…
If you’re planning a baby shower soon – – you’ll definitely want to check it out.
The Clothespin Game – – complete with 20 clothespins for your guests.
This fun wipe board.
You could have each person put their name on the date and then when the baby arrives – give the person who guessed correctly – a prize!
Target’s cake stands = the way to my heart.
They’re $5 but I find the need to buy one in every color that I see. {And then I call my mom and pick her one up in every color, too}.
Every household needs this banner to hang up at any given time.
This endcap!!!!
The colors! The flowers! Everything!
Fun glass jars with handles and straws.
A scalloped edge gets me EVERY time.
On paper plates? Genius!
I tried hard not too long ago, to explain these wooden spoons to my boys {they were eating ice-cream out of a cup like back in the ‘olden’ days at the school cafeteria}…I tried to tell em how the more you sucked on the wood, the more flavor you’d get out of it {LoL} . Anyways – now they can experience it for themselves.
Over at Hobby Lobby – –
I NEED these jars for the summer time.
They’re $6.99 a jar – I’m going to wait until they go on sale.
And lastly – probably my FAVORITE FIND was at Home Goods….
A LEGIT kid’s golf cart.
Wouldn’t that be so perfect here in AZ?
It was $200 and no I didn’t buy it.

I hope you can find them!
Eew…. Wooden spoons gross me out! Wooden popsicle sticks, etc. Yuck! All I imagine is that I'm going to get slivers in my mouth.
On a better note, you should check out these diy flag luminaries. They are so cute! -stefanie
BTW… Our grocery stores here Smith's/Kroger and others still sell the ice cream cups with the wood spoon, I bet you could find them down there. They're in with the other novelties.
Oh my goodness – those luminaries are ADORABLE and look super easy! Thanks for showing them to me! And I am so gonna check out my grocery store for the ice-cream – – my kids MUST experience the tiny wooden spoons ๐