We spent our second day at the Diz entirely in the DISNEYLAND park.
This one’s my fave, people.
I told Joe that next time – – we need a third day – – just so I can browse through every last shop and eat at all of their yummy restaurants.
It’s ALL just so dang magical.
You KNOW we had to hit up my
very favorite ride first of all – – –
I could seriously ride ‘It’s a Small World’ multiple times in a row and not get sick of it. {Wierd, I know.} I LOVE it!
We met up with fun friends from home for lunch!
We had reservations at Big Thunder Ranch BBQ and it did NOT disappoint! A little on the pricey side BUT super duper yummy. Their cornbread was divine! And it was all outside so the kids could be kids without bothering other people!
Remember how yesterday we met up with London’s teacher?
Well today we met up with her again + Carson’s teacher! {plus another fun friend from school.}
Seriously – – how lucky were we?
Riding Big Thunder Mountain Railroad with the entire crew {there were 21 of us!} was a must!
Lucky for me – – I got to ride with Mrs. Alger and her son and OMG – – I’ve never laughed so hard.
Let’s just say – – they were not fans of the roller-coaster.
Which made me laugh EVEN harder!
Such good sports though, those two.
This trip – – my kids {and their pal} were introduced to the world of ‘Pin Trading’. It blew their minds. They LOVED it!
Quite possibly the HIGHLIGHT of the day was when London got to walk around the park with Mary Poppins and the Chimney Sweeper!
Her little heart practically jumped right outta her body in delight!
We soaked in ALL of the fun Halloween scenery.
Disneyland really knows how to ‘do it up’ for the holidays.
Speaking of scenery – –
This was our view at dinnertime.
And I don’t mean Carson’s Mickey Mouse pretzel.
Look again right behind MIckey’s left ear.
I couldn’t NOT take a pic.
You know me.
Dinner was followed by watching the parade
{much better scenery!}
Their Diamond Celebration electric parade is my new favorite thing about Disneyland.

I am still laughing at that picture, but I too would have taken that snapshot!!
I know – how could you not, right?? ๐
OMG!! The picture! Too funny…how do you not feel that?? ๐ Looked like another great day in Disneyland!