Spending our 4th of July at ‘the cabin’ has become a family tradish for quite sometime now and I must say….it’s my favorite! There’s nothing quite like small town festivities and cooler temps in the summertime.
We woke up and headed right down the mountain to Cedar City. {Fun Fact: Both of my parents were born and raised here. I also went to college here and then worked as a radio dj here. I loved every single minute of it}.
Per annual tra-dish…we ate breakfast at
The Main Street Grill and then headed back outside for the…
The kids caught LOTS of candy + Otter Pops and then we headed over to my uncle’s farm for a visit.
London is my animal lover.
Unless it’s a cat.
Like my boys’ oversized shirts?
Thank GOODNESS they caught them at the parade because they were SOAKED from all of the water guns on the floats.
{And they loved every minute of it}.
Driving back up Cedar mountain just never gets old.
We had chicken tacos for dinner {not very American I know…but we LOVE them!}…and then watched Grant set up a campfire for s’mores.
Boy Scouts at their BEST!
London ALWAYS insists on wearing sunglasses whenever we have a campfire so…we just go with it!
And because I find the need to make a Public Service Announcment every year regarding my s’mores making technique….I will do it again this year.
Use Reeses PB cups INSTEAD of Hersheys candybars.
They change the game completely.
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Also – – something SUPER FUN my talented brother-in-law is in charge of…..he needs YOUR help! You and your littles could be part of a MUSIC VIDEO!!!!
ATTENTION all MOMS and GRANDMAS: WE NEED YOUR FAVORITE FAMILY HOME VIDEOS AND PHOTOS*! Singer/songwriter Lizzie Langston is releasing her newest Single, “Promise Me”– a song written from a new mother to her son, asking him to love her always.
Your home video or photo could be featured in the “Promise Me” music video! We want to see special moments between you and your young ones, such as (but not limited to): the first time you held your newborn, birthdays, nature walks, “first-time” milestones, cuddling or sleeping together, laughing or playing together. Your kids can be any age.
Things to keep in mind:
Videos and photos can be old!!! The more vintage, the better! (That’s right cute grandma, that means you can use yours, too!)
The kids need to be mostly interacting with you (their mother) in the video.
Don’t worry about any sound in the video. It won’t be used in the music video.
If you have links to videos online you can use those too. Just send us the link!
Here are the requirements for the video or photo…
Videos must be filmed horizontally, not vertically. (Phone sideways, not up and down.)
1 minute videos or shorter (just the most precious clips!)
If you are interested, email videos or photos with subject title “MUSIC VIDEO” to Will@bradfordcreative.co (Feel free to use dropbox or other file sharing platforms) NO LATER than JULY, 15th 2016. Thank you!!!
*Terms and Conditions: By submitting your video or photo, you are allowing your media to be used and distributed online through several social media sites including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. All submissions will be reviewed but not all will be selected. Videos that are selected for the project will require additional written consent from the owner of the video.
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