Day 6 was mostly spent over at Bryce Canyon.
If you’ve never been to this piece of beauty – – you MUST and I mean MUST add it to your bucket list. It’s one of my FAVORITE places to visit EVER!
At this same place…..
…my dad worked as a dishwasher back in his teenage days and earned 52 1/2 cents an hour over the summertime.
{Doesn’t that 1/2 cent just kill you ๐?!}
We grabbed ice-cream at a cute little General Store…
And it was DELICIOUS!
That mint chocolate chip above is my FAVORITE KIND!
Green + shaved little chips.
My parents are such good sports for putting up with our antics.๐
* Back at the cabin we feasted on pork tenderloin and homemade mac n’ cheese courtesy of my brother and Adam and then finished the night off with playing cards.
Oh and I even got a nap in!
Pretty much the perfect day.

Wondering what card game u were playing?
It's a fun and easy little game called 4 square!